If you want to learn how to tap into the secrets other women, who are just like you, have discovered about how to genuinely accept & love themselves

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insecure anxious self-doubt

But before we go any further, let's talk about how you're probably feeling right now.

Do you have a negative inner critic that you can't seem to silence?

Does this negative voice leave you feeling unmotivated or like your efforts are pointless?

Does fighting with your head sabotage your progress towards your goals?

I can relate -

I know what it's like to always feel like you're "not enough" or less than others no matter what you try.

I beat myself up constantly for making mistakes & "not measuring up."

I spent years believing that I was unlovable. This left me feeling depressed, "broken," & anxious.

I was always trying to improve myself & my life only to stay stuck because I self-sabotaged.

I had big goals for myself but wouldn't let myself work towards them out of fear of failure.

I coped with my overwhelming depression & anxiety by binge drinking and overeating.

For years, I felt like self-love was this magical thing other people had which I could never personally experience .

But despite this,

I Learned to Love Myself Unconditionally

& You Can Too!

The 3 Fundamental Components


Total Self-Love

Hi, I'm Your Course Instructor, Krystal Mazzola!

I wasn't always this in love with myself. In fact, most of my life, I hated myself. My relationship with myself was abusive & neglectful for years.

I felt so unlovable that I believed self-love was impossible for me.

Fortunately, I was wrong!

I eventually learned how to apply the steps & skills for self-love that were working for my clients to my own life. Slowly, but surely, I began to know, like, respect & love myself.

I can truly say now - every single day no matter what - I love myself unconditionally. I see the amazing person that I am while accepting the fact I'm imperfect & make mistakes.

Developing total self-love has changed my life in EVERY way. I'm so hopeful for you to experience how amazing your life can be too when you fully love yourself! 💕

From Imposter Syndrome to

Total Confidence

I constantly second guessed myself which left me anxious & exhausted.

All day long, I had to fight with that negative voice that told me I was worthless. This fight was so exhausting that for most of my life, I had no idea how to actually relax & have fun.

My inner critic was so loud - telling me I wasn't worthy of achieving my dreams so why even bother. This left me professionally & personally stuck for years. I even put off starting the licensure process as a therapist (which takes years to complete) for two years because everything but my dreams felt more important.

Eventually, I learned to trust myself which got rid of my debilitating anxiety. I realized that my dreams are mine precisely because I'm the perfect person to create them!

I now have the confidence to take risks in my business & put myself out there (this course is proof of that!).

From Worrying About What Others Think of Me


The Freedom to be Authentic

I used to constantly seek approval in relationships & at work. Unfortunately, even if I did receive praise, it was never enough to rid me of this sense that I wasn't "good enough."

Although I was very lonely, I avoided social opportunities out of fear of rejection.

I coped with my loneliness, anxiety, & depression by binge drinking & overeating.

Eventually, I learned how to fully accept myself so that I don't need others' approval anymore.

Now, I cope with my emotions in healthy ways. I feel confident enough to socialize with others while accepting they may - or may not - approve of me.

I authentically know who I am & the most important thing to me now is living in a way that honors myself & my needs.

My boundaries are super healthy now. I don't need others' acceptance & if I do receive approval it doesn't define my worth....I matter no matter what & so do you!

From Self-Sabotage


Living My Dreams

I spent many years dating unavailable men even though, deep down, I wanted to find a lifelong partnership.

Deep down, I knew it could never work out with these men but I didn't listen to myself. I felt like a garbage person who was lucky for crumbs of attention.

I lived in extreme debt & poverty for years because I felt guilty earning money. I felt like helping others - without any meaningful compensation - was a debt I owed the world for existing.

Eventually, I discovered the value of my own worth. I stopped dating men who were never going to be the right & healthy partner for me. This led me to find my husband who is the loving, sensitive, & committed partner I always dreamt of.

I learned my professional value & how to respect the worth of my time & expertise. Even when it's scary, I practice courage & self-love by charging what I'm worth & declining opportunities that don't align with my needs & passions.

Self-Love Made Simple

For the first time ever, I am offering you limited access to my 3 step self-love system in a 6 week course.

For years, people would tell me I needed to "love myself first." I understood this in theory but had NO idea how to actually go from self-hatred to self-love.

Eventually, with a lot of trial & error, I learned what's necessary to fully love myself. I discovered that there are 3 fundamental components to healing your relationship with yourself.

I created this course because it's EXACTLY what I would have wanted when I didn't know or like myself.

Self-love is COMPLETELY possible when you follow the steps. This course breaks these steps down into small, easy to understand & practice, lessons.

Developing self-love without a clear map takes years. This course will eliminate all of the trial & error - simply practice these steps & watch your life transform.

Past Client "Bethany"

Bethany was in her late 40s when she began working with me. She thought she loved herself but struggled constantly with insecurity. She couldn't say "no" at work which left her drained & deprived of her of the valuable time with her adolescent daughter. She believed she owed it to her company to give up most of her free time because she was lucky they let her work there. This insecurity was fueled by not having the same credentials as her coworkers.

She had no time for self-care which left her stressed & irritable. She & her daughter would frequently fight. Bethany couldn't calm herself down enough to not contribute to these fights.

Bethany had been single for years & completely avoided dating. She believed it wasn't worth trying because she couldn't trust herself to pick a safe & healthy partner.

Over the course of therapy, Bethany began to discover her inherent worth. This led her to have the confidence to set boundaries at work. Eventually, she had enough confidence & courage to leave her job she felt "lucky" to have to pursue one that actually left her feeling passionate & creative! One of the requirements for this new job was that it allowed her time to spend with her daughter & for self-care. She began to have a routine that felt like a dream before therapy.

Due to feeling more confidence & less stress, she stopped contributing to the fights with her daughter. They are closer than they ever have been.

Finally, she developed enough confidence that she could trust herself while dating which led her to finding her spouse after being alone most of her daughter's life.

How The Course Works:

In 6 short weeks, you will learn every fundamental component to fall - & stay - in love with your own radiant self! These essential topics are broken down into three steps.

Step One:

In order to truly love yourself, you must first build a relationship with yourself. Maybe you've forgotten who you are along the way or what brings you joy. In this course, you will reconnect - or discover for the first time - who you are authentically & have some fun along the way.

Step Two:

Self-love requires you start caring for your own needs, wants, & boundaries rather than always prioritizing everything - & everyone - else. You will develop a simple & sustainable self-care plan which is easy to stick to. Also, you will learn how to reduce the guilt over caring for yourself!

Step Three:

Effectively combat that negative inner critic with strategies proven by research to truly change your thought patterns. Usually, these strategies are only taught in therapy. Learn how to overcome that negative voice & instead use your thoughts as a source of support & confidence!

Past Client "Chloe"

Chloe came to therapy in her early 30s after a few emotionally abusive relationships. She knew that what had happened was wrong but deep down, believed she was worthless.

She had no boundaries in her life. This included with her children. If she set a boundary with her children, she would quickly go back on it out of a sense of guilt. She felt like letting them do what they want was appropriate given what they had experienced with her abusive ex-boyfriends. Sadly, this lack of boundaries, caused a lot of behavior issues both at home & at school for her kids which she was always overwhelmed by.

Her insecurity was not only reinforced by the trauma of her past relationships but also due to a belief that her only value was her appearance. She believed she was stupid.

In therapy, she connected to her inherent worth. She discovered the truth that she is smart. This led her to trust herself more when it came to picking safe & healthy people in life. She even found the courage to go back to school to pursue what her dream career has always been!

She believed in her worth enough to set boundaries. She distanced herself from family members who blamed her for her abuse. She also set boundaries with her children which led to an more safety & stability in the home. Her children started being able to engage in healthy ways at school & home.

Change Your Thoughts

Identify the types of thinking that keep you feeling negative about you & your life

Learn research proven strategies to stop thinking so critically about yourself

Develop more self-love by identifying positive ways of thinking about yourself that you actually believe

Trust your thoughts & feelings more than ever before

Care for Your Emotions

Break the cycle of ignoring your emotions & then over-reacting

Stop coping with your emotions in unhealthy or self-destructive ways

Manage your emotions quickly & effectively with simple skills

Develop a simple self-care plan that is easy, fast, & works

Let go of feeling guilty when you take care of yourself or have healthy boundaries

Act with Confidence

Stop constantly negatively comparing yourself to others

Learn to celebrate your wins & end the exhausting cycle of perfectionism

Stop beating yourself up & forgive yourself for past mistakes

Identify what you truly like about yourself

Have the courage to go after your dream life by managing insecurity & the imposter syndrome

Diverse Learning Support

We all prefer learning in different ways; therefore, you will see in each week's core topic will be covered in a multitude of ways.

The week begins with your group coaching on Thursdays at 5pm PT from 09/02 until 10/07. During the group coaching call, the lessons for the week will be introduced & you receive personalized support. These calls are an opportunity to ask questions, share your experiences, & get feedback from others.

These coaching calls will be uploaded into your curriculum on the same day. Your lessons for the week also go "live" on Thursdays. These will be recorded brief lessons to break down the skills & concepts into baby steps.

Finally, throughout each week, you will find worksheets & handouts to reinforce your learning & practice of these skills.

Are you ready to completely love yourself?

The entire self-love system is waiting for you!

This course is closed for enrollment.

Testimonial from "Boundaries Made Possible" Course

I feel like I am a new and improved version of myself after only 4 weeks! I was able to learn and implement the new communication skills you taught me which prevented me from exploding about something towards my husband. Also, identifying and actually writing down my non-negotiables on paper was helpful and brought forward some awareness. I also created a self-soothing box, and i didn't realize how much I needed this and how beneficial it will be for me to have ME-TIME and pamper myself with things I love. - Katie

Testimonial from "Boundaries Made Possible" Course

This course has helped me truly to listen to my emotional reactions and what they may be telling me. I overheard my mom call me a name. In the past I would have let it festered and if she saw me cry I would have said I just was tired. After taking Krystal’s course I noticed my shame and anger. Instead of keeping it hidden, I felt empowered to go up to my mom and calmly confront her. We were able to talk and even though it was hard, I was happy I had the tools necessary to communicate what I was feeling without allowing resentment settle into my heart. - Amy

Meet Client "Neela"

Neela was 26 when she began therapy with me to address her profound insecurities. She believed people were constantly talking about her behind her back which led to intense anxiety. She treated this anxiety for years with medications but the problem persisted.

At first, she spoke very little at due to a belief that she wasn't smart or likable. She constantly felt like a failure & even when she accomplished things, she dismissed them. She let others take advantage of her because she felt lucky just to have people around. She was terrified of being alone because this is when her negative voice was loudest.

Over the course of therapy, Neela discovered her inherent self-worth. She realized it's ok to make mistakes & it's not a reflection of her intellect or worth. She let go of the idea that she needs to be perfect to be lovable. She's comfortable celebrating her wins & accepts her mistakes! This gave her the courage to explore her dream career rather than stay stuck working in a job she didn't like.

Neela also discovered the value of her presence in others' lives & gained the courage to set boundaries. She even ended relationships that hurt her self-esteem & drained her energy. She now openly shares her views & has found her voice. She shares she is so happy that she finds herself frequently singing. Finally, she is no longer on any medications for her anxiety.

Krystal Mazzola, M.Ed, LMFT

Krystal Mazzola is the founder of the Healthy Relationship Foundation, a licensed marriage and family therapist, a codependency expert and coach. She is the author of two books on the subject; The Codependency Recovery Plan: A 5 Step Guide to Understand, Accept and Break Free from the Codependent Cycle and The Codependency Workbook: Simple Practices for Developing and Maintaining Your Independence.

Krystal has been a therapist for over a decade & has trained with some of the leading experts in her areas of specialization. She has worked at The Meadows & trained with Pia Mellody who is a pioneering expert on codependency. She was trained in Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing with author & trauma expert, Robbie Adler-Tapia.

Krystal is passionate about recovery as she knows it is possible. Despite struggling with depression & anxiety starting at age 11 & growing up in an abusive home which led to her developing PTSD & codependency, she was convinced there had to be hope. Eventually, she found her way to recovery for all her mental health, & relationship, struggles.

Krystal knows what a profound blessing living in recovery is and wants every person possible to experience this. Krystal knows that all the strength you need in the world to recover – and have your most joyful life – is already within you. All she does is provide you with guidance, support and education to tap into your natural strength and capability.

Krystal Mazzola


There are other self-love courses on the market - why would I enroll in this one instead of the others?

We appreciate this question. We can't speak to any other courses specifically but this course is unique to all other self-love products available. This course was designed by Krystal Mazzola, M.Ed, LMFT. Krystal created this course based on her experience with what truly works to develop self-love after 11 years of clinical practice.

The skills you will learn in this course have been proven effective by research. Furthermore, this system has been tested & proven effective during Krystal's work with countless clients over the past 11 years.

Krystal is also an expert on codependency which is a process of unhealthy relationships with self & others. She is a best-selling author with two books on codependency, The Codependency Recovery Plan & The Codependency Workbook. She gained her professional expertise by training with pioneering codependency expert, Pia Mellody.

Finally, Krystal earned her Masters in Couples & Family Therapy by attending the highly rated program at the University of Oregon. Her education emphasized systems theory. This training has allowed her to understand self-love through the lens of a systemic program to guide you step by step through the fundamentals of self-love.

In this system, you truly start from the ground up with what skills & concepts are necessary to learn & practice for unconditional self-love.

Will I love myself in just 6 weeks?

It would be unethical to say that we can clear through your insecurities sufficiently in 6 weeks to fully love yourself. What you are getting is every fundamental step towards loving yourself that you can practice daily to get to self-love ASAP.

If you commit to this program & practice the steps we promise that in 6 short weeks you will have a much healthier relationship with yourself than ever before.

If you stay committed to these steps, you will eventually unconditionally love yourself & transform every area of your life.

Do I need to practice every skill - over 40 is a lot?

Yes & no. Each week is organized by a core step to get to loving yourself fully. These fundamentals, like self-care or self-soothing, must be practiced.

However, different skills work for different people. Therefore, numerous skills are given to address the key concepts of self-love.

The only way you will know what skills best work for you is to genuinely practice the skills, or exercises, for at least a few weeks before you decide if this skill is for you - or not.

How do I know if I have a problem with self-love?

Great question! This quiz will quickly let you know if you love yourself fully - & if not, your biggest barrier to self-love. BONUS: When you get your results, you're enrolled in a free 3 day self-love course!

What if I don't have a lot of time to commit to this course right away?

Thank you for asking & that's totally understandable.

First, you receive lifetime access to all these skills & resources so you don't have to worry about watching & completing every lesson in these 6 weeks.

You can participate & practice the lessons bit by bit. If you can only dedicate 20 or 30 minutes a week for the next year to this program you will still be well on your way to cultivating self-love.

If at all possible with your schedule though please try to attend at least a couple live group coaching calls (Thursdays at 5 pm PT 09/02-10/07). This is a tremendous value both financially to work with Krystal for such a reduced cost & any of your most pressing questions can be answered here.

If you can't attend, you may submit your personal questions via email & Krystal will still answer them for individual guidance & support.

All group coaching calls will be recorded & uploaded so you may still watch & learn from others' experiences.

Finally, as you go through the course for the next 6 weeks & beyond, you are welcome to email Krystal with your questions. She is happy to support your self-love journey!

What if I experience no improvement?

First, we would be sad to hear that. This would be unlikely but on occasion some people need more practice than others & that's totally ok. It is important that you commit to this program fully so our first question would be if you engaged in the lessons & practiced the skills.

This system has been tested effective but it only works if you practice the steps. No matter what others may say there is no quick-fix to developing self-love as it takes commitment & effort to cultivate like any other relationship.

However, if you have fully shown up for yourself, & you have experienced no improvement with your personal relationship with you, Krystal is here for you.

If this happens, simply email her, & she will explore with you what gaps may be missing for you. She will provide you clear guidance, recommendations, & resources to ensure this system is personally helpful!

Previous Client Testimonial

“I started seeing Krystal a few years ago, before she started her own practice. I feel like I grew with her and that is the most wonderful part about therapy with her. She assisted me with couples counseling and also guided me down my own path with EMDR to heal my PTSD. I have since graduated therapy, as I was able to meet every single goal I had with her. She is a caring, patient, open-minded, gifted and natural healer that I would recommend to anyone. She is the only therapist that has ever helped me take action instead of just talk about my issues, helping me actually recover instead of just maintain. For that, I am forever grateful!” – Previous client

This course is closed for enrollment.